Illustration: Editorial Cartoonist, Political, Alternative

Large Image of Editorial Illustration Sample
Editorial lllustration 12

Client: Sidewalk Bubblegum Alternative Political Cartoon Comic Strip

Project: Self syndicated alternative political comic strip.

Objectives and Process: In 1993, after working as staff editorial cartoonist at the Monterey County Weekly, the Seaside Weekly as well as providing editorial cartoons for the Monterey Hearald Clay decided to develope his own alternate political comic strip and join the world of self syndication. Started in 1993 and retired in 2002, Clay Butler's self-syndicated weekly political cartoon, Sidewalk Bubblegum, focused on issues of consumerism, capitalism, sexism, racism, war, authority, gender issues, the environment, worker rights and human rights. The strip can be described as having strong left-libertarian or libertarian socialist leanings and was drawn in a square format and alternated between one and four panels.

The strip was highlighted in the 2002 anthology Attitude: The New Subversive Political Cartoonists edited by editorial cartoonist Ted Rall. During its nine year run, Sidewalk Bubblegum has been published in hundreds of magazines, books, and zines including Z Magazine, Playboy Magazine, Funny Times, Comic Relief, Creative Loafing, Factsheet 5, Metro Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Sentinel and the Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland's largest Swedish-language daily newspaper.